People often search the Internet for an answer to the question: When will the Earth's poles change? What is alarming and what are the consequences of such geomagnetic changes, we will discuss in our review. Here we will rely only on scientific facts, observations and other evidence. So, let's get down to business.
How creative and at the same time terribly "ugly" humanity is. Of course, anyone can criticize such a statement, but a modern resident will most quickly condemn the deeds of people from the past, which in his humble opinion look simply monstrous! For example, a posthumous photo or a creepy memento can surprise anyone or everyone who was not ready for this. Yes, these are photographs of living people next to deceased relatives or acquaintances while they were still alive. And it was not always possible to immediately distinguish those who were truly alive. This is forever with us.
Wherever a person goes, he leaves a trace in the form of garbage. The earth, the oceans, the air and even space eventually turn into dumps. Despite the controversy, the facts are undeniable: man-made garbage is visible everywhere. Launched rockets, rocket stages, satellites and other objects leave a lot of debris in the Earth's orbit, which continues to accumulate. The problem of space debris is becoming increasingly urgent. What methods are there for cleaning it up? So, space debris: cleaning methods and what future prospects await us? Let's take a closer look.
The color of human eyes is one of the most expressive and striking features of human appearance. It is determined by a combination of genetic factors and various biological processes. In this review, we will talk about why and why different people have green or blue eyes, and also discuss the role of anatomical features and processes that play in this manifestation.
Every day we experience true miracles, magic and a sea of possibilities. We are, of course, talking about sleep. Only in dreams can we be anyone, whenever and wherever we want. However, there is a small caveat. The dreams of the common man are initially uncontrollable. Only in lucid dreams is a person able to control the course of events. But that’s not what we’re talking about... There is a very strange and quite interesting phenomenon that gives rise to myths and is a waking nightmare. So, this is sleep paralysis: the ins and outs of nightmares.
Psychology, like other scientific disciplines, is constantly evolving. And probably every second person knows the name of Sigmund Freud as a common noun. Along with it, other significant concepts appear, associated with certain events and names, directly or indirectly related to psychology and our mind. For example, the phenomenon of the Mandela effect. These are a kind of psychological games with the mind and our memory. If you are interested in knowing what it is, then read more in our article below.
The popular alcoholic cocktail Bloody Mary can be found in many drinking establishments. There is nothing easier than mixing vodka with tomato and lemon juice, adding a little spice. And at the same time, the history of the origin of this drink has long been shrouded in legends. Today there are several versions of the origin of Bloody Mary. One of them is associated with Bloody Mary - Queen Mary I Tudor of England, who became famous for her bloody massacres, and after whom the alcoholic drink was named. Several people acted as inventors.
There is an opinion that the largest living cell is the ostrich egg. An African ostrich egg can reach a height of more than 17 cm and weigh about 1.5 kg, but this does not make the ostrich egg the largest cell known in nature. For example, a giant squid nerve cell can reach 12 meters in length. In the plant world, the cell of Caulerpa (seaweed) has many nuclei, and it can grow up to 3 m in length. If we nevertheless consider the egg of the largest bird, then, most likely, the egg of Epyornis (an elephant bird reaching a height of 5 m) would be one of the largest. Unfortunately, this species is considered extinct (destroyed by humans in the 17th-18th centuries), although eggs of this legendary bird are still found.
Denim clothing is one of the most common types of clothing throughout the world. Jeans have gained great popularity due to their practicality, wear resistance and beautiful blue color. But who would have thought that denim is just canvas? It is known that Christopher Columbus himself sailed under a canvas in search of India, not knowing that he was sailing under fashionable denim. So this is the Jeans style. A legacy for all modern youth and more!
Did you know that thanks to the cartoon character Papaya, spinach consumption in the United States has increased by 30%? By eating Spinach, the sailor Popeye fought back all the robbers and had remarkable strength. He also sang a song about how tasty and healthy spinach is. This is a typical Product Placement technique - veiled advertising that encourages purchases. Those. the sailor Papaya eating spinach was a technique of hidden, implicit advertising. De facto, the sailor became the progenitor of Product Placement.
In South America there is a unique low-alcohol drink, which is obtained in a non-standard way. Chicha is a drink made from corn and... human saliva. Chicha dates back to the time of the ancient Inca Empire, and its recipe has survived to this day. Young girls with good teeth chew corn or cornbread, thoroughly moistening the resulting mass with saliva, and then spit it into a common vat. The resulting product is fermented by saliva and begins to ferment. The final product is a low-alcohol drink similar to beer and is Chicha. Chicha is jokingly called “spit beer.”
Most people pick their nose as part of their daily routine. From a medical point of view, this process is called rhinotillexomania, but only refers to excessive abuse. According to research by American scientists, more than 91% of people pick their nose regularly. Some people pick until they bleed for several hours a day, and this is already a medical pathology, i.e. psychological or mental disorder.