Insidious Sneeze. Interesting Facts

During a sneeze, the speed of flying particles can reach 400 km/h. True, they fly out to a distance of no more than 3-4 meters. Sneezing is an unconditioned reflex, the body’s reaction to irritants of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. But there is something else about sneezing... So, the Insidious Sneeze. Interesting facts

Insidious Sneeze. Interesting facts

Superstitions associated with Sneeze

An interesting fact is that in various sources superstitions about sneezing have opposing points of view. Usually they simply wish you health: “Be healthy!” Since ancient times, according to records from Homer's Odyssey, one can understand that a sneeze meant confirmation of what was said. But in “Notes at the Bedside” Sei-Syonagon mentions a belief that if someone sneezes during a conversation, then the speaker is a liar!

Additional interesting facts about sneezing

Sneezing and Superstitions: As mentioned in the article, superstitions regarding sneezing can vary. In some cultures, sneezing is believed to bring bad luck, and people try to avoid sneezing in public. While in other cultures, sneezing is seen as a sign of good luck and health. This variety of interpretations is associated with historical and cultural differences.</p >

Sneezing and Mythology:Some mythologies associate sneezing with gods and supernatural forces. For example, ancient Greek mythology said that sneezing was a way of communicating with the gods and could predict the future. Such beliefs reinforced the importance of sneezing in the daily life of the ancient Greeks.

Sneeze sound: Besides the speed of the particles being emitted, the sound of a sneeze can also be an interesting aspect. Sneezing creates a characteristic sound that occurs due to the sudden exhalation of air through the nose and mouth. This sound can be quite loud and can sometimes frighten others.

Sneezing and medicine: Doctors use sneezing as one of the diagnostic signs of various diseases. For example, uncontrollable or frequent sneezing may be a sign of allergies or a runny nose. In addition, sneezing can also be a symptom of some medical conditions, such as colds or flu.

Sneezing in animals: Not only people sneeze, but also some animals. For example, cats, dogs and even some birds can sneeze. This process in animals may have its own unique physiological characteristics and roles.

Thus, sneezing is not only a physiological reaction of the body, but also a phenomenon that has many interesting aspects in different aspects of life and culture.