Most people pick their nose as part of their daily routine. From a medical point of view, this process is called rhinotillexomania, but only refers to excessive abuse. According to research by American scientists, more than 91% of people pick their nose regularly. Some people pick until they bleed for several hours a day, and this is already a medical pathology, i.e. psychological or mental disorder.
Picking your nose is not aesthetically pleasing
Nose picking is a spicy topic. Not aesthetic and often derogatory. But thanks to the survey, the following facts became known. They most often pick with the index finger (65%), little finger (20%) and thumb (15%). The majority wipe the nasal secretions themselves on a handkerchief (more than 90%), also throw them on the floor (30% of respondents) and wipe them on furniture and other objects (8%). But the most surprising thing is that some of them (9%) eat dried nasal discharge or crusts. Most of us know them in everyday life as boogers or goats.
Rhinotillexomania - love of picking your nose
Conscious nose picking, called rhinotillexomania, can be caused by different motives. Some people do it out of habit or as a way to relax, while others may do it out of stress or anxiety. This observation allows us to understand the following: rhinotillexomania has a psychological aspect and is probably associated with emotional states.
Some more facts about nose picking
Nose picking is not only common among humans, but also in some animals. For example, monkeys and rhinoceroses can also secrete mucus from their noses and engage in similar activities.
There is a medical theory that nose picking may be due to a biological need to clear the nasal passages of germs and dust. Some research suggests that these actions may be part of the body's natural defense system.
Some cultures have traditions related to nasal discharge. For example, in some African tribes it is believed that eating nasal scabs is a beneficial, healing and health-improving ritual.
But there are also negative health consequences from picking your nose. For example, excessive and aggressive picking can cause damage to the vessels of the nose and even infection if hands are not washed before this process.
Nasal mucus contains antibodies and other important elements of the immune system that help protect the body from infections. Therefore, nose picking may affect immune function.
The word "rhinotillexomania" comes from the Greek words "rhinos" (nose) and "tillein" (to pull out), and was introduced into medical terminology to describe this phenomenon.</p >