Each of us has probably seen at least two types of chicken eggs in the market or supermarket - coffee (beige or brown) or white. The color of the eggs depends on the breed of chicken. The shell of a brown egg is colored already at the last stage of formation before laying. As a rule, only the top layer of the shell is painted, and if you rub it with a vinegar solution, you can erase the pigment to white. So, after all, why are chicken eggs different colors? Let's figure it out.
Chicken breeds and why are chicken eggs different colors?
How can you tell a breed that lays white eggs from a breed that lays beige eggs? This can be done, for example, by the earlobe. If the chicken's earlobe is white, the eggs will be white; if it is pink or red, the eggs will be beige or brown. By the way, in South America there is a breed of chicken that lays eggs of yellow, green, pink and even blue.
The color of the yolk in an egg largely depends on the chicken’s diet. If the feed contains mainly grains with a large amount of carotenoids, the yolk will be closer to red in color. But the color of the yolk does not affect the taste and nutritional properties of eggs.
Something more about chicken eggs
Chicken varieties can affect the shape of eggs. For example, there are breeds of chickens that tend to lay long, narrow eggs, while other breeds prefer round or oval-shaped eggs. This feature of the shape of the eggs also depends on the genetics of the chickens.
Chicken eggs have porous shells that can absorb odors from the environment. This can cause the eggs to have a slight flavor of what the chickens were fed. For example, if chickens were fed onions or garlic, then the eggs may acquire a delicate onion smell.
Eggs not only come in different colors, but also in different sizes. The largest eggs tend to be laid by chicken breeds specifically bred to produce large eggs. These large eggs can be quite impressive and are often used in restaurants to prepare dishes with large yolks.
Eggs can also come in different textures. For example, eggs with a harder shell may be easier to cut for dishes that require maintaining the integrity of the shell, such as English breakfast eggs.
There are specialized breeds of chickens that produce eggs with very thick shells. These eggs are commonly used in the egg powder and shelf life food industries.
Chicken eggs are an excellent source of protein and many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D and vitamin B12. Eating eggs regularly can help improve overall health and increase energy.
To determine the freshness of an egg, you can do a simple test: place the egg in a glass of water. A fresh egg will sink to the bottom of the glass, while an old egg will rise to the surface. This is due to the decrease in the internal volume of the air chamber in the egg over time.
Eggs can be used not only for food, but also in cosmetic procedures. Egg-based face and hair masks can improve the condition of your skin and hair, making them healthier and shinier.
These facts highlight the diversity and amazing properties of chicken eggs, making them not only a nutritious product, but also an interesting object of study and use in different areas of life.