Every day we experience true miracles, magic and a sea of possibilities. We are, of course, talking about sleep. Only in dreams can we be anyone, whenever and wherever we want. However, there is a small caveat. The dreams of the common man are initially uncontrollable. Only in lucid dreams is a person able to control the course of events. But that’s not what we’re talking about... There is a very strange and quite interesting phenomenon that gives rise to myths and is a waking nightmare. So, this is sleep paralysis: the ins and outs of nightmares.
Here are collected interesting facts, knowledge and news related to the science of Psychology. This is a subtle science that studies the reactions of the Psyche to external influences. Although Psychology belongs to the humanities, the path of its knowledge is directly related to the natural disciplines.
Psychology, like other scientific disciplines, is constantly evolving. And probably every second person knows the name of Sigmund Freud as a common noun. Along with it, other significant concepts appear, associated with certain events and names, directly or indirectly related to psychology and our mind. For example, the phenomenon of the Mandela effect. These are a kind of psychological games with the mind and our memory. If you are interested in knowing what it is, then read more in our article below.
Did you know that thanks to the cartoon character Papaya, spinach consumption in the United States has increased by 30%? By eating Spinach, the sailor Popeye fought back all the robbers and had remarkable strength. He also sang a song about how tasty and healthy spinach is. This is a typical Product Placement technique - veiled advertising that encourages purchases. Those. the sailor Papaya eating spinach was a technique of hidden, implicit advertising. De facto, the sailor became the progenitor of Product Placement.
For children to obey before bed, parents scare them.
In Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, children are frightened by Baba Yaga, Barmaley, Wolf, Drum, Belt, Uncle Policeman and Babai. By the way, Babai is translated from Tatar as Grandfather, and Babayka is Grandmother, but this is not explained to children and their childhood fears and fantasies add to the picture of terrible monsters. So who else scares children?
Phobia is a fear of something or internal fears. Phobias are classified as mental disorders. You won't believe it, but there are some pretty strange and sometimes surprising phobias. Caution is a very ancient instinct! Phobias and fears are that part of the human nature and psychology that helps us survive. Here are some of them.